Accommodation and Services Matching

Empowering agencies and non-profits with real-time, integrated views of services across a Continuum of Care.

Accommodations Matching Solution

Learn how we help you connect people in crisis with services and shelter they need.


Our Accommodation and Services Matching solution, powered by Salesforce and Amazon Web Services (AWS), provides a mobile tool for government and non-profit agencies to serve those in need. It offers real-time visibility of available resources and a user-friendly intake process for efficient client service matching.


Use cases

  • Shelters and social services for people experiencing homelessness​
  • Emergency cold/hot weather shelters​
  • Foster care ​
  • Inpatient facilities for mental health and substance abuse​
  • Migrant populations and refugees​
  • Emergency management and disaster response​
  • Transitional housing for formerly incarcerated persons


Key services

  • Amazon AppFlow
  • Amazon Redshift
  • Amazon S3
  • Amazon Rekognition
  • Amazon Glue
  • Amazon Quicksight
  • Salesforce

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Solution highlights

Offers pre-built integrations between user front-end interfaces and external data-gathering solutions for a seamless cloud platform integration. 


Designed to comply with FY 2020 HUD HMIS Data Standards, enabling data integration across hundreds of organizations within your local continuum of care.


Provides pre-built solutions for HUD-required reporting standards, along with advanced custom analytics to proactively manage shelter capacity in real-time and predictively. 


Accommodations Solution

Modern data integration across your continuum 

Whether you’re a government agency, single nonprofit, or a Continuum of Care managing multiple organizations, our solution offers comprehensive coordination for entry and referrals. It features automated workflows and data integrations aligned with HUD and HMIS to keep your data secure and compliant while coordinating response—quickly. 

Over 1,000 housed in six months

In response to a homelessness crisis, a major city declared a State of Emergency and launched an initiative to help 1,000 individuals get indoors. This effort was a collaboration between the city administration, council, agencies, and community partners. During this process, Slalom’s Accommodation and Matching Services solution was utilized to help providers quickly connect people with shelter. Within six months, over 1,000 homeless individuals were housed, and more than 10 large encampments were permanently closed. This was achieved not by displacement, but by providing comprehensive wraparound support services. The city not only met its goal but continues its efforts ensure no one has to sleep on the streets.

GenAI Testbed on AWS

Ready to learn more? Get in touch with us.

Slalom brings extensive experience across government, education, and nonprofit sectors. Our practical end-to-end solutions help you navigate your digital transformation journey, optimize internal operations, and enhance service delivery. Anchored in our purpose of building better tomorrows for all, we partner to drive lasting impact.


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