Find accommodations and services when you need to regardless of the use case.

We’re here to help the helpers coming together across the communities supporting the​ continuum of care to provide speedy assistance for people in times of crisis. We've considered the complex challenges facing individuals and families experiencing homelessness, which are exacerbated by disparate webs of processes & systems, outdated inventory, and lack of visibility into real-time supply and services. Slalom’s Accommodation and Services Matching solution with Salesforce is a mobile, turnkey tool that enables providers to serve those in need on-demand, regardless of their circumstances.​


Our Accommodation and Services Matching solution provides a mobile-friendly, web accessible field intake form to quickly capture client information and match the best fit services by key search criteria. Automated coordinated entry and referral workflows and data integrations are pre-built to HUD and HMIS data standards, enabling real-time and forecasted capacity management across the full continuum of shelters and providers.

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