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As countries around the world increase their efforts to stem the spread of COVID-19, we here at Slalom are actively working to do our part to support our local healthcare communities. We have developed a new tool, the coSAFE dashboard, to provide healthcare providers with more visibility into their operations regarding all things COVID-19. This free Tableau dashboard template compiles and displays the most critical stats driving efficiency, such as number of patients, bed count, number of staff members on call, admittance numbers, and PPE supplies (see example below). By keeping hospital leadership informed, resources can be distributed to make the most of scarce supplies in a time of exponential demand.

You can manage your hospital system’s resources with this template. Click HERE to download the workbook and connect to your data. 

We would love to discuss any ways that Slalom might be able to support you leveraging the coSAFE dashboard or otherwise. Please complete the form if you would like to connect with a member of our team to discuss your immediate and top priority needs. 

Complete the form below to connect with a member of our team: