Generative AI in Action
The use of AI tools has been firmly established in Slalom’s approach to business and technology consulting for some time. AI unlocks opportunities across nearly every aspect of business in every industry, it’s so much more than just using chatbots or voice assistants. When incorporated into core elements of business strategy, the combination of AI and human capability is going to be what sets organisations apart from each other.
Examples of Generative AI solutions
Intelligent Design
Before Generative AI, market penetration for package design services was limited by manpower. Package designers could only serve a limited audience, making them inaccessible to smaller businesses. Generative AI changes the paradigm, making professional design accessible to everyone. By providing minimal information, such as a website URL, users can converse with the AI, prompting it to create brand guidelines, generate package designs, and assist the user in fine-tuning the content.
Hyper Personalised Search
Before the introduction of Generative AI, there has been limitations within search functionality that hold users back from pinpointing exactly what they are looking for when they want it. Now, with Generative AI, filter functionalities in search are limitless and hyper-personalised; users can type into a chat exactly what they want (ie. Quick weekend getaway during a bank holiday weekend. Somewhere warm. Direct flight from Birmingham. Solo traveling on a budget) and receive options that meet all their needs. Instantly.
Claims Support
Before Generative AI, policy holders faced tedious interactions with insurance agents, struggling to provide the right forms and details to file a claim. Once submitted, agents would sift through policy holder account details and documents to determine the claim's next steps. Now, with Generative AI, the Policy Claims Co-Pilot can generate suggestions for how the insurance agent can process and resolve insurance claims. Using inputs like the claim forms, policyholder's account details, and overall insurance policy guidelines, the Claims Assistant can reduce processing times and enhance the policyholder's overall experience, despite the initial claim challenges.
Booking Assistant
In this example, the technology recognises a change in the customer’s behaviour to prompt an interaction. In the interaction, the customer can receive advice on how best to maximise their points through a points calculator. Also, based on customer’s preference collected through the loyalty program (i.e., fitness routine while travelling, restaurant preferences), the tech shows properties the customer would be interested in booking.
Unlocking the possibilities of AI with Slalom
Slalom works with you wherever you are in your AI maturity - whether you're not sure how to get started or want to significantly advance your strategy.
Contact us to find out how we can help.
Kickstart your journey on your preferred tech platform

Learn more about the work Microsoft and Slalom have done with generative AI and explore the different workshops we offer to kickstart your Generative AI journey.
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Wherever you are on your cloud journey, Slalom brings curiosity, passion, and deep technical and strategic expertise to every AWS project.
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Google Cloud
Slalom is one of Google’s most impactful partners, we work with many of their largest clients. Learn more about Google and generative AI.
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Our research
Are UK businesses using AI? We researched the perceptions of 500 business leaders in the UK.
Unlocking the possibilities of AI with Slalom
Slalom works with you wherever you are in your AI maturity - whether you're not sure how to get started or want to significantly advance your strategy.