Slalom + databricks

Unity Catalog Accelerator & Workshop

Spark your Data Journey with Slalom's Unity Catalog Accelerator & Workshop


Seamlessly govern your structured and unstructured data, machine learning models, notebooks, dashboards, and files on any cloud or platform. We did the hard work so you don't have to. Slalom's Unity Catalog Accelerator will get you up and running in 4-6 weeks, including:


  • Unity Catalog Rapid Update Toolkit: Automaticaly populate/change hundreds of fields and tags in minutes.
  • A registry of business-critical data elements: easy-to-understand terms, calculations, and sensitive data restrictions for a client's most important data assets.
  • Ability to centrally manage access permissions based on data sensitivity and privacy down to field level
  • View data lineage across queries in any code executed on a Databricks cluster or SQL warehouse



Unity Catalog Workshop


Inspire and align stakeholders with a 1 to 2-day highly interactive workshop (ideally in person) to explore the art of the possible with Unity Catalog.



Discover Key Features   Maturity Assessment & Gaps

Understand the key fundamentals and latest features in Unity Catalog.


Our team will help you understand your current state and what gaps may prevent you from a unified governance solution.





Governance Design   Roadmap & Deployment Planning

We work with your teams every step of the way, teaching and empowering them to create the governance design that resonates in your environment.


We’ll help you understand the steps to consider, and the level of effort for each so you’ll have a clear path to Unity Catalog.



contact us to get started



Databricks Lakehouse Platform

The Databricks Lakehouse Platform combines the best elements of data lakes and data warehouses to help you reduce costs and deliver on your data and AI initiatives faster. Built on open source and open standards, a lakehouse simplifies your data estate by eliminating the silos that historically complicate data and AI.



Get started

Click here to learn more about our partnership with Databricks. To get in touch with someone about Unity Catalog, click the button below. 


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