Let's breakdown the barriers to value

Slalom partners with nonprofit organizations across the globe to adapt and prepare for future trends shaped by evolving digital technologies, dynamic stakeholder preferences, and increasing community needs. Our nonprofit practitioners and field experts are passionate about addressing the needs of our communities by helping local organizations achieve their missions.


We help nonprofits like yours with:

  • Strategy: We help you to define impact for mission-driven change
  • Technology: We create only what’s needed and enable you to learn along the way
  • Transformation: Looking ahead, we ensure you're setup for success with a sustainable solution

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Learn more about our work with nonprofits

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Autism Alliance of Michigan: Helping families navigate a pandemic

We helped Autism Alliance of Michigan (AAoM) reduce manual work for its staff and quickly connect families to the resources they need. The data entry form, database, and dashboards that make up its new directory system will help AAoM form a more robust network of services and providers and expand access to services for people with autism throughout the state. Read more.

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Dog Guides: The power of unleashing a person’s potential

Slalom partnered with the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides to replace outdated systems and paperwork with a modern technology solution. With Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack and custom tracking apps, the organization now has visibility into the entire client lifecycle, streamlining and digitizing the experience for employees, clients, and volunteers. Read more.

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Youth Justice Network: Reducing inequity with Power Apps

As a solution partner for the Microsoft Justice Reform Initiative Catalyst Grant Program, we helped Youth Justice Network develop a mobile Microsoft Power App that speeds public defense attorneys’ contact with and connection to their clients. It’s a tool that could mean more equitable representation for young people in the legal system. Read more.

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Hidden value in data for nonprofits

Effective use of data can transform a nonprofit, accelerate progress, and minimize risks. Nonprofit leaders often mistakenly assume that the process requires costly tech changes and low adoption rates, but effective change does not necessarily involve cost-prohibitive tech investments. Building a modern culture of data is an excellent starting point for any organization looking to improve data usage. Read our blog to learn more.